Innscor Africa Employee Share Trust

The Group employs approximately 3 400 full-time employees who are eligible beneficiaries of the Innscor Africa Limited Employee Share Trust (“the Trust”).

Given the prevailing hyperinflationary climate, both the Innscor Board and the Trustees of the Innscor Africa Limited Employee Share Trust endeavour to pay a dividend to eligible beneficiaries, as often as possible. Under this principle, beneficiaries received a dividend of ZWL1 000 in April 2020, allocated from the interim dividend of ZWL3.8m declared by the Innscor Board to the Trust in February 2020. Beneficiaries will receive an additional dividend of ZWL7 000 from the final dividend of ZWL28.2m declared by the Innscor Board to the Trust in September 2020. The payment of these dividends is vital to help align Innscor permanent staff with the objectives of the Group. The Trust also avails loan facilities to beneficiaries.
