Innscor Africa Limited CSR
Strategic Approach
Innscor Africa Limited (IAL), driven by a passion for empowering and supporting communities, invests in transformative initiatives that focus on youth empowerment, health and wellness, animal welfare and sustainable practices. These community-driven programmes embody the Group’s commitment to creating a lasting positive impact and fostering a brighter future for all.

IAL/Baker’s Inn Future League - mini tournaments held

Group Corporate Social Responsibilty (“CSR”) Initiatives Across The Group

For several years, IAL has upheld a steadfast commitment to corporate social responsibility and supporting vulnerable communities.
IAL’s dedication to education, health, nutrition, and economic empowerment has driven significant investments in targeted initiatives, yielding profound impacts through strategic partnerships. This unwavering focus on sustainable development and social change remains integral to the Group’s values.
In August 2023, IAL launched “Empower Tomorrow”, a comprehensive group-wide CSR programme that aims to foster entrepreneurship and sustainable community growth, building on its community footprint and philanthropic legacy.
During the year under review, the Group invested USD3.9 million to diverse community projects, encompassing education, inclusive business and economic development, farming initiatives, food and nutrition, sports, health and wellbeing and animal welfare.

The Group CEO - Julian Schonken introducing the launch of Empower Tomorrow to the Group’s Management Team
Investment in Education

USAP Community School – Marondera (USAP)
USAP, founded by Rebecca Zeigler Mano two decades ago, has been instrumental in empowering high-achieving, low income students in Zimbabwe to access elite global universities.
Between 2016 and 2019, USAP successfully administered approximately USD19.4 million in scholarship programmes, paving the way for expansion into Brazil, South Africa, and Uganda. Notably, USAP alumni have made profound contributions across various sectors, including public health, finance, and technology, with distinguished examples including Rhodes Scholars and leaders at esteemed institutions such as Harvard University and Oxford University.
In 2020, USAP launched its eponymous school, enrolling 45 students in a rigorous, holistic educational programme that integrates international standards with character development. The comprehensive curriculum encompasses Cambridge A-levels, humanities core classes, critical thinking, research methods, and computer literacy, emphasising problem-solving skills. The school fosters a culture of integrity, service, and equality, encouraging community engagement and active participation in school maintenance.
USAP’s innovative programme connects college students with career opportunities in Zimbabwe, incentivising them to utilise their education for community benefit. Recently, USAP aimed to raise USD2.5 million to establish its campus and fund two years of operational costs through diverse donation levels. IAL contributed approximately USD996 000 to USAP’s development projects this year.
This partnership underscores IAL’s unwavering commitment to inclusive, equitable education and lifelong opportunities for all. The USAP school embodies a shared vision between IAL and USAP, recognising education as the cornerstone of thriving and prosperous communities.

Chairman Chinake of IAL addressing the official opening of USAP campus development projects

USAP Community School Library - Marondera
Investment in Medical and Health Support

Global Cleft and Cranio-Facial Foundation
The IAL Cleft and Cranio-Facial operations continued during the year in strategic partnership with the Global Cleft and Cranio-Facial Foundation and Providence Human Capital, aimed at improving the lives of children born with cleft lip and/or palate.
The initiative provides a holistic support to the entire family unit of each patient, addressing their unique needs and challenges before, during and after the procedure.
During the period, surgical procedures took place in July 2023, January and August 2024 and a total of 90 children were successfully operated on. IAL and Providence Human Capital takes immense pride in its association with this noble cause, demonstrating its commitment to corporate social responsibility.
IAL recognises and acknowledges the support from local medical professionals including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel who selflessly dedicate themselves to providing this essential care to the affected children.

Dr. Wayne Manana and Marceline Moyo performing a review of a Cleft patient.

A parent’s testimonial of their child that underwent the cleft/cranio-facial surgery this year
“Pa Scan zvanga zvisingabudikuti mwana anecleft. Musi wandakamuzvara ndipo pandakaona kuti ane cleft pallet. Ndakatombonetsekana kuti chii chakadaro nekuti yanga kaiva kekutanga kuzviona asi nekuzopiwa counseling takazonzwa kuti zvinogadzirika and zvinotorapika.” (The scans did not indicate that the baby had cleft pallet. We only realised it at birth and this was a bad time for us as we did not understand what it meant. After some counseling we realised that this was a situation that could be corrected).
Pakufamba kwataiita nemwana taitofamba takamuhwandisa. Taiviga mwana kuvanhu, nekuda kwesituation yaangaari, zvakazongotimanikidza kuti titsvage kuti todii nemwana. Takazonzwa kuti kunemacamp anoitwa evana ve cleft, vachitogadziriswa pachena.
(As we lived in the community, we would hide the baby from people for fear of what they would think about us and say about the child. This pushed us to look for help and that’s when we heard of the assistance offered at the cleft lip camps).
Tinoda kupa kutenda kukuru kuInnscor nevamwe vavo nekuti ikozvino mwana akaoperatwer and takukwanisa kugara nevamwe munharaunda zvakanaka zvisina kushoreka. Dai Mwari aramba achikuitirai zvakanaka mhuri yeInnscor, murambe muchibatsira nharaunda yenyu.
(We want to give thanks to Innscor and their partners because our child was operated on and is now a normal child. May the Lord continue to guide your operations Innscor family and may you continue to assist your community).
Kidzcan Zimbabwe

IAL supports KidzCan Zimbabwe, a humanitarian organisation dedicated to increasing survival rates of children with cancer and blood disorders.
The financial support enables KidzCan to procure vital medications and equipment, demonstrating IAL’s commitment to social responsibility.

Investment in Sports and Recreation
IAL/Baker’s Inn Future League (BIFL)
IAL launched the BIFL aimed at growing the game of cricket by fostering talent at the Under 11, Under 14 and Under 17 age group for both boys and girls.
The BIFL has produced several talented cricketers that have gone on to play in the Country’s premier club competitors. Some notable products of the BIFL are Terrence Makoroma (NPL), Kohl Viljoen (Zim u19), Kirby Madaramete (Zim u19), Ben Banks (NPL), Matthew Martell (Zim u19) to mention a few.
The BIFL provides players with opportunity to play against high-quality opposition, receive guidance and support from top cricket coaches and international players.
Several players from disadvantaged backgrounds are actively involved in the league, which continues to grow as it seeks opportunities to support less privileged communities.

Investment in Our Environment

Friends of the Environment (FOTE)
IAL reaffirms its dedication to combating global warming and climate change through strategic partnerships and sustainable initiatives.
In collaboration with FOTE, IAL participates in the National Tree Planting Day (NTPD), this environmental awareness campaign is aimed to educate communities on deforestation, global warming, and climate change, while also empowering communities to develop resilience through tree planting and conservation. Notably, over 380 224 trees were planted between July 2023 and June 2024.
FOTE’s longstanding commitment to ecosystem restoration has yielded remarkable results, with over 39 million trees planted across the country over the past 14 years.
IAL remains committed to supporting FOTE’s endeavours, fostering a shared vision for environmental stewardship and sustainability. Through this initiative, IAL will continue to prioritise eco-friendly practices, demonstrating its responsibility as a corporate citizen and contributing to a greener future for generations to come.

Investment in Animal Welfare

The Blue Cross Adventure Challenge
2024 marked the 29th consecutive Blue Cross Adventure Challenge, with IAL proudly supporting this important animal welfare event for the sixth consecutive year.
IAL’s contributions have significantly enhanced the event’s profile, thereby bolstering fundraising efforts for animal welfare initiatives across Zimbabwe.
Held annually in August, the Blue Cross is a unique 500km athletic adventure that stretches from Zimbabwe’s lowest point, the Save River near Mahenye, to its highest point, being the peak of Mt. Nyangani. This challenging off-road course traverses’ remote areas of the Eastern districts, bordering Mozambique.
The Blue Cross challenge combines ultra-adventure with fundraising, directing all proceeds toward animal welfare initiatives. In 2024, 31 participants raised over USD 25 000, towards the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), alongside like-minded organisations promoting animal welfare in Zimbabwe.
Animal welfare is crucial to rural Zimbabweans, as livestock and working animals like donkeys and oxen are vital economic enablers. The SPCA collaborates with organisations such as Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe (VAWZ) and Matabeleland Animal Rescue & Equine Sanctuary (MARES), by providing essential support and education through spaying targeted outreach programmes. These initiatives focus on spaying/neutering, preventative rabies measures, proper husbandry, and anti-cruelty education.
The SPCA relies heavily on charitable donations from concerned corporate entities and individuals, as well as fundraising initiatives like the Blue Cross challenge.
IAL remains committed to supporting these worthy animal welfare initiatives and highly values the dedication and passion of these organisations and recognises the critical role they play in promoting animal welfare.

IAL amongst other donor organisations support the Harare SPCA, Zimbabwe’s oldest animal welfare organisation since 1911.
This collaboration enables the Harare SPCA to provide vital services, including veterinary care, animal rescue, and community education. Key initiatives supported by PISA include the purchase of medical supplies, pet food, and vehicle maintenance, as well as staff remuneration and training. Additionally, the partnership facilitates the Harare SPCA’s fundraising and awareness efforts, such as quiz events, dog shows, and educational programmes. Through this joint effort, PISA and the Harare SPCA strive to promote animal welfare, prevent cruelty, and provide a safe haven for animals in need.

Investment in Arts and Culture Support

National Institute of Allied Arts (“NIAA”) – Visual and Arts Festival
IAL partnered with the NIAA and sponsored the Visual and Arts Festival. IAL has been a proud sponsor of the NIAA for over a decade.
This year’s Visual Arts Festival attracted an impressive 81 school submissions which showcased the exceptional artistic talents of our young artists. The standard of work was truly outstanding, with heartwarming and innovative pieces from primary schools and exceptional contributions from senior schools. A total of 1 723 entries were judged a remarkable increase over prior year.
The festival’s impressive outcomes included:
- 148 primary students receiving Honours awards
- 512 primary students earning Highly Commended recognition
- 485 senior students entries
- 47 senior students achieving Honours awards
- 60 senior students receiving Highly Commended recognition
NIAA’s thoughtful curriculum design minimises additional workload for high school teachers and students, ensuring seamless integration with existing school programmes.