Strategic Approach
Associated Meat Packers Group (“AMP”) is committed to providing the best quality protein at the most affordable price through its footprint of outlets across the country.

Corporate Community Investment Pillars and Beneficiaries
The business maintained long standing support of Chinyaradzo Children’s Home located in Highfield. Each month, AMP Meats provides meat to sustain wholesome diets for the 35 children who reside at the home.
The Home expanded and commercialised one of its sustainable projects, which involves growing greenhouse vegetables, and AMP is now a customer for these vegetables.
AMP Meats continued to sponsor Keepnet, an organisation that promotes fish conservation through catch and release in competitive sustainable angling, as well as provided meat bi-products to the Harare Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (HSPCA) located in Hatfield, Harare.
Multilateral Partnerships
Through the Beef Enterprise Strengthening and Transformation (BEST) Project, a donor-funded programme, Zimnyama (an AMP subsidiary), continued to collaborate with World Vision with the goal of improving the beef supply chain between farmers and Private Sector Partners (PSP).
Farmers could sell their cattle at designated Cattle Buying Centres (CBCs) in Dotito, Mt. Darwin, and Mayo, Makoni, throughout the year, fatten these animals at the Centres and only sell them when an appropriate quality on weight has been attained therefore increasing income for the farmers.
Zimnyama established three dip tanks plus supply dipping chemicals, in the communal areas of Mashonaland Central to assist farmers in implementing simple cattle dipping schemes and to promote the rearing of healthy beef herds in the country.
Blood Donations
The business is now in its second year of promoting blood donations in partnership with National Blood Services Zimbabwe (NBSZ), with over 100 donors (most of whom are regular staff donors) giving blood since the programme began in December 2022. AMP hosts the NBSZ and carries out a blood drive on the premises, and the response among employees and community members continues to grow.
FSSC 22000 Certification
In 2021, the AMP Factory attained FSSC 22000 certification, becoming one of the few Zimbabwean companies to achieve this milestone. FSSC 22000 incorporates ISO 22000 of 2018 and ISO 22002 of 2009 management systems with sector specific prerequisite programmes as well as additional FSSC 22000 requirements. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), an organisation that oversees food safety measures and certification worldwide, recognises it. This certification signifies the company’s commitment to continually improve the management and control of food safety throughout the value chain. The business celebrates this notable achievement and continues to undergo rigorous steps to maintain the distinguished certification.